i am not dead, i was just occupied and had no motivation to blog. the past month was pretty exhausting to the point i needed some time off from a lot of things, because everything happened at once. not really wanting to get into many things, because doomposting ain’t what you should be here for.
so! what has happened the time i was gone? i was accepted into a german dub group as a singer and dubber, so that’s a fun thing, and i am very excited for this. i also made a couple friends there, which is nice. it doesn’t make me feel left out in the slightest.
for the past weeks my health has been fluctiating– headaches, physical issues, burnout… the list goes on, but i am trying to handle everything at once.
other than that, i am finally done with my tooth surgery, and it was the most exhausting procedure ever. i’ve had to wait three months to get a tooth fixed, i had to delay it by one month because i couldn’t see paying 132 bucks at once and i had to split it in two installments. at this point i should really consider putting money aside from that or just switch to a different dentist, despite having none but only good experiences with them, which doesn’t make me want to switch dentists.
furthermore, i am still considering therapy, but that is an issue for 2025 me, where i would try to fully focus on my health first and foremost. i have been neglecting it to the point it’s gotten really bad. my depression ain’t just it, but if you live in a sort of rural area, you’d have to wait half a year for a therapist. it sucks.
i’ve also gotten into alien stage lately. i never thought i’d get into it because i thought ‘another overhyped thing i should ignore’, but after listening to some music and reading about the lore, i got hooked. it’s so good already, and i really want to see more of it. the title to my current diary post is from one of the songs. i will post it down below, as usual.
i’ve been playing a lot of videogames. i got back into idv, and i’ve been playing a lot of webfishing, too. funny little fishing game, and it’s only 5 bucks. you turn into an animal crossing character and fish with people. i love it. it’s cute.
december is soon, which means my apprenticeship is going to its final stage, which also means i got to study for it. first time i’ve got to study for something, but i want to pass the exam. i’ve been working hard for it for over a year, please make it worth it.
i have an internship starting by monday, it’s only two weeks, so i don’t have to stress around it. i want to focus on it, and have nothing bother me. this was the biggest mistake in my internship during summer– too many things happened at once, and it caused so much to the point i was doing mistakes at work.
just leave me the fuck alone, thank you.
until next post.